Victory - "Liberer" Original Artwork
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With or without the answers answered, simply say
Let it be.
To comma the air with Amen is an existing growing trust
to not know yet by our own defining etched out, story tell ending,
is a invite to surrender and ‘’put down the striving tools’’
A slow grow knowing that victory of presence is present
watering, sun beaming, weeding it all day by day, moment by moment
May your amen enlarge year by year and even when
the hardness of life greets
Know the doves guidance to the respite door of victory
will always guide you
This Will set a new precedence of joy in you
To hold both weight and to lay it all down to rest
This Is an EnlargedAmen
Dance in the light of lemon yellows
Be guided by doves of blue, lightness of spirit
Victory is a crown you cannot remove, it is there,
life is hard at times and we forget what’s placed on our heads
But You are crowned
We may be weeding, we may be confronted with all sorts of worldly pains ,
we may recognise we have no garden in areas of our life that are genuinely good and healthy, but victory is on our heads, we must remember this,
we don’t start this new way
with dumbness we weren’t made out of dumb thought
We start all things with wisdom as wisdom is shadowing us like a dove
and joy and laughter is crowned on us forever.
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